Underscore is a set of utility functions written in underscore.With more than 80 different functions to make our lives easier.Its time to dissect them and understand how they work.

Underscore includes some setup code along with the functions below in the raw source of the library.The rest of the 80+ functions are mentioned below:

Underscore Setup 

  1. Each method

  2. Map method

  3. Reduce method

  4. ReduceRight method

  5. Find method

  6. Filter method

  7. Reject method

  8. Every method

  9. Any method

  10. Contains method

  11. Invoke method

  12. Pluck method

  13. Where method

  14. FindWhere method

  15. Max method

  16. Min method

  17. Shuffle method

  18. Sample method

  19. SortBy method

  20. GroupBy method

  21. IndexBy method

  22. Countby method

  23. SortedIndex method

  24. ToArray method

  25. Size method

  26. First method

  27. Initial method

  28. Last method

  29. Rest method

  30. Compact method

  31. Flatten method

  32. Without method

  33. Uniq method

  34. Union method

  35. Intersection method

  36. Difference method

  37. Zip method

  38. Object method

  39. IndexOf method

  40. LastIndexOf method

  41. Range method

  42. Bind method

  43. Partial method

  44. BindAll method

  45. Memoize method

  46. Delay method

  47. Defer method

  48. Throttle method

  49. Debounce method

  50. Once method

  51. Wrap method

  52. Compose method

  53. After method

  54. Keys method

  55. Values method

  56. Pairs method

  57. Invert method

  58. Functions method

  59. Extend method

  60. Omit method

  61. Defaults method

  62. Clone method

  63. Tap method

  64. Isequal method

  65. isempty method

  66. isElement method

  67. isArray method

  68. isObject method

  69. isFinite method

  70. isNaN method

  71. isBoolean method

  72. isNull method

  73. isUndefined method

  74. has method

  75. isFinite method

  76. identity method

  77. times method

  78. random method

  79. result method

  80. mixin method

  81. template method

  82. chain method