Rebuilding a blog
After destroying my previous blog(thanks to ec2).I have planned to take regular backups of my blog.Making sure I have a hot as well as soft backup,everything from the theme i developed to the content on the page.
Steps I have taken to prevent such a mishap.
Version Control - I am starting to version control the theme I will use on the site .
Remote repository - Having a remote repository is useful as it works as a backup with the added benefit of working remotely.I am using Bitbucket (link) which allows me to have unlimited private repositories and it is completely free.
The server deployment itself is version control as I have installed it with chef(link).
Lastly I have installed Backwpup which is a free plugin for wordpress.I does automatic backup of the data similar to a cron job.It lets you make a complete backup of you database as well as the wp-content folder of the website.